Remote Energy Therapy
- To stress
- For challenging relationships
- To find a life mission
- For spiritual development
- For removing tunnel locks
During the energy treatment, you get to relax and have a moment with yourself.
In energy therapy, I treat the energy field intuitively.
It is good to set aside time for energy therapy. 1 h.
When you order the energy treatment, you will then receive an email from me through which we will agree on the treatment time.
Energy treatment is done by phone or Zoom. If we do the treatment over the phone, I will also send you a written report of the treatment.
I have taken a Reiki course and an Intuitive Energy Nurse course. However, I have found my own way of doing energy treatments.
Feedback from energy treatment:
"I went to Paperinoida energy therapy.
The moment was warm and the energy was wonderfully warm and cheerful. After the treatment, I felt light and even. The meeting was warm and the conversation about the thoughts that arose during the treatment finally crowned the experience. Warm recommendation 💓" - Tiia
" I came to Paperinoita's energy therapy without expectations, even though the therapy had strangely drawn me to it.
Omziin created a wonderfully peaceful atmosphere in the space, and peace came over me as soon as I went to the treatment table to lay under the blanket.
As the treatment progressed, I experienced very different sensations in my body and mind. I calmed down. I relaxed. However, I could not imagine the powerful physical and mental experience, which was brought about by treating the solar plexus.
Omziin really opened my nodes, he was gentle and intuitively absolutely right. I recommend the energy treatment done by him with a big heart, in his hands
even the burdened get strength. " -Petra