Tombow - ABT Dual Brush 606 violet

Tombow - ABT Dual Brush 606 violet

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Tombow - ABT Dual Brush

Kynässä on kaksi päätä.

Ohuempi kärki tarkempaan piirtämiseen ja paksumpi sivellinterä.

Kynä on vesipohjainen, joten se toimii myös vesivärien tapaan.


Brush Pen with two tips. The fine tip is mainly used, when drawing exact lines. The second tips is thicker and flexible like a brush. Available in 96 vivid colours. Water-based colours can be mixed together and used as watercolours. Perfect for creating cards, producing motifs, sketching, drawing comics, illustrating and much more. These pens are odourless. Colours are not light-resistant.